A special request for veterans:
Websites dealing with war museums and memorials:

- FORTEN SITE The 'Forten Site' offers a lot of links to websites of fortifications and other kinds of military heritage (in Dutch).
- NATIONALE WEBSITE OORLOGSMONUMENTEN This site offers an elaborate database of monuments, war memorials and events in The Netherlands commemorating victims of war in a very broad sense (In Dutch).
- VAN D-DAY TOT VE-DAY Great site dealing with museums and places of remembrance related to the liberation of western Europe during WWII (available in both Dutch and Enlgish).
- WORLD WAR II ANALYSED This site aspires to cover every aspect of W.W.II, dealing with veterans accounts, facts, myths and showing over a thousand pictures of the present day WWII-battlefields.
Websites dealing with other (war) related themes:
- AVIATION MODELWORKS delivers model airplanes and model helicopters (both military and regular types).
- D-DAY MODELLING website dealing with the modelling of a D-day diorama.
- D-DAY.PAGINA.NL The 'd-day page' offers many links to websites that are in some way related to d-day. The categories are in Dutch, but it shouldn't be too hard to find your way around.
- DEFENSIE.BEGINTHIER.NL is a link-page which gives access to a broad range of military-oriented subjects, incl. international military websites.
- DEFENSIE.PAGINA.NL Vast collection of links to (mostly) Dutch military websites. The links vary from the homepages of military trade unions to sites dealing with historical topics.
- DEFENSIE.STARTKABEL.NL Page with many links to Dutch and international military websites, including museums, national elite outfits, magazines and online forums.
- DOCUMENTEN EN FOTO'S INDIË '47/'50 Personal collection of documents and photos taken in the Malang area in Indonesia during 1947-1950 (the period in which the Dutch government launched the "politionele acties" to regain control of its former colony).
- DUKW focusses on the US Army 2.5 ton amphibious truck. The site features technical data, information on the use of the DUKW and historic photographs of the vehicle in action during WWII.
- FIRST WORLD WAR.COM One of the most comprehensive sources of information on the Great War, including a timeline, downloadable audiofiles & movies and detailed descriptions of the major battles, to name just a few things.
- GO2WAR2.NL This is a site dealing with a great variety of subjects on World War II. Mostly in Dutch, but some articles have been translated to English.
- IDENTITEITSGROEP VREDESMACHTEN Site for Dutch veterans who served in UN-missions.
- JAGDTIGER offers information about tanks and armoured vehicles that are exhibited in museums (escpecially the Moscow museum-section is interesting).
- LANDSHIPS is a site devoted to WWI military modelling. Apart from information on scale models it also features interesting descriptions of the various tanks and guns used during the Great War.
- LONE SENTRY features Photos, Articles, and Research on the European Theater in the second World War.
- MESOTHELIOMA & VETERANS Countless Veterans were exposed to asbestos during their military service. Visit the Mesothelioma Center to learn more about mesothelioma statistics and all the different treatment options. Their Veterans Assistance Department can help US veterans with VA claims and potential benefits.
- MODELACES.COM A site dealing with professionally built scale model airplane replicas. Specializing in WWII military aircraft - 1/32 and 1/48 scale - these museum display quality models have outstanding detail. All projects are researched for historic accuracy and built to specific pilots, era, markings and customizations.
- MODELBOUW-OORLOG.KLUP.NL lists several sites dealing with (the making of) all sorts of military scale models.
- PANZERS OF THE THIRD REICH Information on the German Panzer Tanks Of WWII including development history, combat service, technical data and photos.
- TANKS! Site offers information about armoured warfare prior to 1946, accompanied by various photographs.
- THE BATTLE FOR STALINGRAD Extensive information on the Battle for Stalingrad, turning point on the Eastern Front during World War 2.
- STICHTING VETERANEN BRABANT ZUID OOST A great site for all Dutch veterans coming from the Eindhoven region.
- THE WORLD AT WAR General site about World War II. Offers an extensive timeline of the main events in Europe and other parts of the world.
- WAR LETTERS Read the authentic stories of soldiers who went to war, through letters they sent to the homefront.
- WASTED YEARS This Website is on the documentary "Wasted Years" which tells of the directorıs father whom, still a child at the outbreak of the Second World War, dreamt of becoming a pilot.."
- WORLD WAR II, A BRITISH FOCUS This site offers many links to all kinds of WW II-related websites (from a British point of view).
- WORLD WAR II LINKS ON THE INTERNET Well, the title says it all.
- WORLDWAR-2.NET features a complete World War 2 Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1939 through to 1945.
- WORLD WAR 2 TODAY.NET The World War 2 Today.net team travels the European theater searching for the remains of WWII. The Website forms a photographic database of all the panzer/bunker/U-Boot related items they encounter.
- WW2.KLUP.NL A page with a collection of links dealing with different aspects of WW II, with an accent on the holocaust.